Jim the Closet Demon is the expired soul that was split into two and now lives in an inter dimensional state within all closets. Jim is non binary and uses he/they pronouns. Jim is insecure about his abnormally small hands and will be offended when you mention them near him. It is belived by some (the underground colonies) that Jim the closet demon is in love with the Turtle Queen. Many supporters of Jim the Closet Demon worship him. Jim appreciate sacrifices, especially children and will be kind to those who are kind to him.
Person one: why is there a small handprint in my closet?

Person two: it was Jim the Closet Demon, and don’t insult their small hands.
by Turtle in a box September 1, 2022
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'Closet demon' a name of some asshole named "Abrar Muhammad Ashiq" He would always fail all his classes, and be in one of them cringey middle school relationships.
The closet demon is drunk, and he is always high.
by Someonethattisbetter May 29, 2022
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