a rich north London girl who often says 'basically' or 'literally' unnecessarily in a sentence. Usually gets driven to school in a Range Rover because of her heavy Michael Kors bag and swears by the flapjack diet.
A: 'is that a channing girl?'
B: 'yeah you can tell by the Michael Kors bag and shit uniform'
by planetofthegrapes May 6, 2016
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The only girl that will ever love him enough to ruin her whole entire life for him:( the only girl that will adapt to his lifestyles and who he likes and his music and basically becomes a mini him, w the same attitude and temper as him. The girl that will never stray away, the one that he should definitely spend the rest of his life with.
Person: “damn Blackie Chan’s girl is so fine, I should hit her line”

Person 2: “nah man, she’s all in for Blackie, she doesn’t give a fuck about you”
by Champagnemami101 July 12, 2019
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