the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about a racially sacred things; as a joke when in the company of really close friends of relative different races. profane talk amongst ball busting, close-knit friends to test boundaries of jokes about their race.

Blasracephemy does not occur outside friend circles that allow the topic being ball-busted to occur. Tolerance amongst friends is key as blasracephemy is actually a loving way of showing respect and admiration in a way normal human interaction out of the “circle of trust” would not understand.
I almost mistook the blasracephemy between Eugene and Fran the wrong way when Fran was ripping Eugene’s appearance as a result of his Amish heritage. But then, Eugene shot back at Fran’s gay tendencies to eat cock candies as part of his Irish-Catholic upbringing. After they high fived each other and laughed - then I knew they were just busting balls.

I wish other people would stop being so sensitive and find a funny way to show thick skin about sensitive topics; and see the best in people the way Eugene and Fran do.
by No Tango and no Cash October 5, 2023
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