Batavia middle school is a crusty old high school full of mold, bed bugs, and teachers that went there when it was the old high school. It’s full of ratchet wannabe ghetto pussy hoes that are all talk and can’t fight for shit. They snitch, They talk hella shit, But when it comes down to it they pussy out. Everyone there is fake, and there are very few real people maybe bout one or two. But anyway, the school is full of shit people that tries to ruin any relationship they can if they don’t like the person their ex/friend is dating. Don’t try and fight a batavia middle school hoe because they will snitch, pull ur hair, or go 🔨🔨🔨 on u. Oh and also they are the most fugly,crusty,musty,bitches u will EVER meet.
by exposingbitchesxoxo December 9, 2019
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