When an Asian has pent up energy and feelings, maybe even real emotions, and needs to get it all out, so they resort to their primal nature and perform the native American Indian dances of their ancestors.
Joe: dude!, why is 牛月亮 stomping around everywhere like he were hyped up on amphetamines or somethin?
Matt: GF done dumped 牛月亮 and he's having to get all his pent up feelings out.
Joe: Ah, the asian chicksaw I see. Understood, and I'll give him space to work it out.
Matt: So, where does that leave us two now, all alone by ourselves in this tiny room? Is it getting hotter in here?
**Matt and Joe proceed to take off their clothes and have steamy lustful sex, splattering odorous cum and semen over everything**
by Bad C dev July 18, 2022
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