A male prostitute who has an exceptionally large and worn out anus and uses this fact to attract wealthy but lonely male homosexuals. A lot of them also has multiple STIs (sexually transmitted infection) due to the fact that they are so confident and arrogant in their own anal sex capabilities they often neglect the use of a condom.
#gay4pay #pay2gay

Also used to describe timid boys who try to swindle virgins into having anal sex to preserve their virginity.

Can be used as a synonym for conning or swindling others out of something.
George is such an Anal Guy! He made $5 yesterday by having sex with a guy with AIDS!

I was fucking Anal Guy Edwin last night, but then his ass is so loose that shit suddenly came squirting out from his rectum.

Owen the Anal Guy tried to con his virgin Jewish girlfriend into having anal sex with him to preserve her religious purity, but then he got rejected because of his uncircumcised penis.
by ProfessionalCanadian! September 17, 2016
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