(1) A.M.I.C.A.H. - Acronym of Adolescents Making Informed Choices About Healthcare.
A study done by the California Family Health Council.
(2) An italian way to call a female friend, frequently used by fags, puffs, D&G supapussies and transexuals.
Robert: Alissa, fancy a fuck?
Alissa: Robby, did you know that today in California, the law says that teens have the right to confidential sexual health services – that means that teens ages 12 to 17 do not have to tell their parents that they go to the clinic and the clinic is not allowed to tell their parents? Well Robby, if the law changed, would you go to the clinic?
Robert: *dies*

Trans Cynthiah: Amicah, I need one more Martini plis, that premarin is killing me!
by SynKairos August 25, 2008
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