Acronym: "Anti Intellectual Demagogue Spewing Pseudo-Intellectual Gibberish." Usually used in the context of an internet argument. Trying to use large words to appear smarter than one actually is.
Friend: "Anita kept using the phrase 'Intersectional tolerance' to justify authoritarian views"

Me: "What an Aids Pig"
by InseparableTheBand February 21, 2017
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The Swine Flu.

Pig aids is found typically in people who have been in contact with pigs, although there have been cases of person-to-person transmission.

Symptoms include: fever, disorientation, stiffness of the joints, vomiting, and loss of conciousness ending in death.
Bob: Man, I don't feel to good. I think I caught the Swine Flu.

John: Nah bro, you got them pig aids. You're gonna die.
by Mysterion2k9 April 26, 2009
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