A London company selling sexy and sophisticated lingerie and accessories, owned by Joseph Corre, (a son of famous fashion designer Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren, who was very sucessful being Sex Pistol's manager) who is also its chief designer. AP promotes sexual explicity, presented by Kylie Minogue in the famous AP commercial where she had been riding an electric bull.
She looked tempting as hell dressed up in Agent Provocateur's lingerie.
by necrotism May 21, 2006
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A pompous troll. Someone who, in their dotage, envokes views on race, gender politics, or popular culture in desperate hope for attention. Usually a formerly great mind, communicator and/or broadcaster who has run ungraciously to insignificance. This is a self-defined term for an elderly person desperate for relevance.

For example, this post
“That Brian Edwards used to be amazing. But since he’s taken to elderly pompous trolling, he describes himself as an Agent Provocateur”
by El_d December 29, 2017
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Milo Yiannopoulos is an Agent provocateur; he doesn't seem to really have an objective opinion, only says things to piss people off and thereby increase his notoriety. While some of the things he says do seem quite rational and logical, he merely repeats other people's controversial ideas.
by JypsiPixie November 22, 2017
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