Addy/Addison is a Beautiful girl who loves to cheer all the guys like her she is dirty blonde and has green/blue eyes she also loves volleyball 🏐 🎀has a big ass and is the best girlfriend you will ever have so is loyal and kind she is also a great friend she will never stop talking and she is shy when you first meet her but then when you get to know her you will never regret it don’t get on her bad side though
Who is that hottie

Oh that’s addy/addison she is the best she has a good but and does cheer and volleyball

Nice I want to meet her
by Name definitions 123 October 12, 2019
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Addy ; the best friend you could ever have the sweetest person you can have as a friend keep that friend forever.
Me : *lifting something.*
Addy: here let me help you with that.

Addy or Addison another day : are you ok?😌
by summerisawesome October 26, 2019
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Addison is the type of girl who you meet once and never forget, even if she’s just some random girl in your middle school PE class. Some people do end up being her 4 lifer while others stay wishing they were. Talking to her will surely bring the greatest in you because of how interesting she is as a whole. Her smile gets passed on person to person like a domino effect the way she starts up other peoples lightbulbs giving them a sense of happiness. Addison is a really pretty girl and her personality is wonderful, even just to have her in your life you will be grateful she exists. Although she may just be a friend, a lover, a said to be sibling, a friend you message on google hangouts for hours, or even just the girl you sat next to in 6th grade PE class. Be grateful you have an Addison in your life, because starting up a google hangouts chat with her was possibly one of the best choices I did in my life.
Guy 1: OMG- that girl is so beautiful

Guy 2: Well duh thats Addison / Addy

Guy 1: Bro she’s really funny as well

Guy 2: IKR, I don’t know if i’d rather be her or be with her
by aurora chxrli :)) December 24, 2021
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