A sweet, beautiful girl or Woman. She does everything to the extreme, if its crying, laughing, loving, or learning. Shes very material & leves to the the boss of the situation. Aamiyah is loved by everyone she meets & has the best personality. Shes a grea listener, unless she has already set her mind to something els. No matter what you Love her to pieces, even if she drivws you Crazy at times. But her Parents are Always crazy, so treat her Right & hold onto her.
by H2O bottle June 29, 2015
The realest person you could mess with. Never backs down from standing up for her friends/homegirls. You might as well spend your time tryna get her instead of wasting your time with someone else. Real af and she pretty with motion😘
by Realniccasonly November 21, 2023
Aamiyah’s are so different. She can be difficult at times and have a terrible way of showing her emotions, however she will be the first person there when you need it. She’ll forever stay in your space, even when you least need her there. Aamiyah’s can sometimes harbor the worst attitudes but will always put you above anything else. She is the definition of an unconditional lover and will always hold an important place in your heart. Forever hold onto an Aamiyah.
by Imintheghettoooo November 21, 2023