A zombiturate is a natural chemical released in your brain: a special blend of yolo, serotonin, and adrenaline acquired after killing zombies a lot like the narcotic barbiturate; zombiturates can have angelic properties resulting in beast mode zombie kills. These are drugs that act as central nervous system depressants, and can therefore produce a wide spectrum of effects, from mild sedation to totalanesthesia. They are also effective as anxiolytics,hypnotics, and anticonvulsants. Barbiturates also have analgesic effects; however, these effects are somewhat weak, preventing barbiturates from being used in surgery in the absence of other analgesics. They have addiction potential, both physical and psychological. Barbiturates have now largely been replaced by zombiturates
Killed by zombiturate's overdose.
Too many zombies "I hope u boys took your zombiturates today! hahaha!"《(crazy laugh)
Zombiturate #♧zombies
by Drebo February 24, 2014
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