• this means that your blue is someone special and very important to you and not only do you care for them deeply you also love them, it could be a best friend, family, friends anyone.
1.blue is the person to your green

" lia your the blue to my green

2. Blue is your sister

Oh Jess your the blue to my green”
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Youre bright blue flower is the only reason you get out of bed each morning the only reason why you have Motivation sometimes and the reason why you Are still here
Becouse you cant leave them
And if you do youre scared that you will always feel the guilt
The reason you dont feel useless ugly and stupid everytime
The Person that gives you confidence.

Zen is my bright blue flower and I want him to know that
Who is your bright blue flower?

Oh youre my bright blue flower!!

Aww thats so cute of you
by Karmussyy December 7, 2022
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Your old friend blue

That friend who’s been in your life for an extended period of time that you can never remember
A: hey do you remember your old friend blue

E:no I don’t who is blue

A:dude they literally spent every day at your house
by Rictus the guy February 24, 2019
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To anally "bludgeon" or plunder another's colon to the point of turning it blue.
Cory, don't make me bludgeon your brown eye blue like I did to Fabio lastnight, his asshole is so blue it's truly bludgeoned!
by Alex111aaa November 11, 2008
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