Adj. A baller move; the aspect of being sought after for almost mythial manliness.
Origin: Legendary Japanese bull, Yasufuku, was born in Kobe and brought to Hida in 1981; known and sought after for passing down calves with prodigious yet delicately laced fat marbling; Yasufuku's prolific loins are said to have sired 40,000 offspring, and the bull is known as "the greatest of all Waygu" cattle.
"You just sold a beat-up Pinto for the price of a pristine Porsche, that negotiation was full-on Yasufuku!"
"You're looking very Yasufuku in that photo -- bespoke suit surrounded by your six beautiful children."

"That guy's acting like he's the Yasufuku of the neighborhood just because he's lined up a few Tinder dates."
by Théophile March 9, 2021
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