This is a term used to describe someone who is incapable of using basic human knowledge. also someone whos iq relates to a squareroot of negative infinity. Anyone whos called a "Xiro" or a "Xiroscent" are people who should just not bother speaking in any group chat or other form of communication
man1 : oh hey
man2 : look over there. That boys a Xiro. Hes acting real dumb right now
man1: yeah. (calls) "Ay XIROSCENT, whats good"
man2: LOL
by awemoonethan July 21, 2021
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Xiroscents are commonly mistaken as good people, however they can have devastating affects on others. Sometimes, xiroscents can hurt other people. Ruin their days even. A lot of people hope they are a rare species who are misunderstood. We can only hope and pray xiroscents change from being mean to nice people...
person1 : "oh look its a xiroscent.. eW so gRoSS!"
person2: "nO! hEs KinD!"
personWhoIsSmart1: "no no, they are usually mean, but probably misunderstood. Lets hope for the best..."
by aalexiaa July 22, 2021
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