The Wulfecks havea racial attribute called blood skills, that were derived originally from the blood of Christ. These skills only become active after a Wulfeck goes through puberty and someone else's blood touches their skin.

Some scholars think that the berserker rage of the Wulfecks is also are connected their need to create violence.

From what has been observed so far, there are 5 blood attributes.

Level 1: Blood Skin - Where their skin hardens to the level of stone.

Level 2: Blood Strength - Where their personal strength increases to their current level X 5.

Level 3: Blood Eyes - Where the spectrum's of light that they can see increases. They can see in the dark, infrared, and even radiation.

Level 4: Blood Scent - Where their sense of smell increases dramatically. It is thought that with their enhanced sense of smell that no one or nothing is able to hide from them, and that they could even track prey through a busy city like NYC.

Level 5: Blood Mind - With blood mind they can see the pictures in the mind of their enemies.

These skills have rarely been seen in the wild, and activate with the more blood spilled by a Wulfeck when in combat.
Wulfeck Blood Skills make them unstoppable.
by jimmylanes34 January 18, 2023
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