1. I agree.
2. Microsoft Word, a program used to...type things.
3. A couple letters bunched up together which make sense to us humans.
1. "Dayum, that was tight."
2. "Uhh...I've gotta type an essay. I'll go use Microsoft Word!"
^Lol. I couldn't think of anything...
3. "Word. W-O-R-D. Word."
by Personatalie December 6, 2007
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person1:"yo wanna play minecraft?"
person2:"tf you talking about, minecraft isn't even a fucking word"
by a person that hates minecraft November 2, 2020
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Type your definition here...
Type an example of how the word is used in a sentence...
by imnotok69 June 15, 2018
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You just searched up word in Urban Dictionary. Congratulations, you lack a partner.
Person 1: *searches up word on urbandictionary.com*
Person 2: Sorry to hear that your girlfriend broke up with you.
Person 1: How did you know-
by A creeper with a passion March 4, 2021
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I used a word in this sentence. Actually, nine.
by QUILTON GIRLS April 20, 2017
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The thing in the box in the urban dictionary, when you are going to make a new definition of a word.
by WordIntheurbandictionary January 8, 2018
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