Webbiecore (adjective) - a term used to describe a person, particularly a girl or woman, who exudes a unique and captivating charm that is both quirky and endearing. The term is derived from the name "Web" and the suffix "-iecore," which is often used to describe a particular aesthetic or subculture. Individuals who embody webbiecore are often creative, curious, and unapologetically themselves. They may have a penchant for the unconventional and a love for the offbeat, and are not afraid to express their individuality in their fashion, interests, or behavior. In short, webbiecore is a celebration of the charming and idiosyncratic qualities that make a person truly unique.
Sarah's style is so webbiecore, with her funky thrift store finds and eclectic accessories that showcase her love for the unconventional.
by iScxptor April 30, 2023
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