Weakery is an emphasized expression of disappointment used instead of a more elaborate phrase such as "that is weak".

In this case "weak" meaning that the person, place, event or thing falls short of expectations, and would not be considered acceptable, pleasant, "Epic" or "Really bringing it".

Weakery is mostly used as a noun.

Chick: Oh my god, I thought I mentioned to everyone that there would not be any alcohol served!

Guy whispering to his buddy: Dude, that's a bunch of weakery. I say we snake some of the chips and bail, this place is dead anyway!


Guy1: Did you get the latest MAC osx??
Guy2: Hell yeya brohan, it's dialed out!!! I absolutely love it!
Guy1: So did you bring the DVD so I can swoop that onto my 'puter?
Guy2: Dood, NO, I totally dropped the ball, my bad!
Guy1: Weakery!
by Slippery Bannana June 9, 2009
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