The onomatopoeia of a whip cracking. May also be used to show that a person is whipped.
Hey Steve, if you hate the mall so much then what did Christina say to make you walk it twice? Did it sound something like "WAPUSH?"
by Horace Small January 28, 2006
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The onomatopoeia of a whip cracking, often used to chide people for being "wipped".
Hey Steve, if you hate the mall so much then what did Christina say to make you walk it twice? Did it sound something like "WAPUSH?"
by Horace Small January 29, 2006
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A new fangled onomatopoeia that signifies the sound of whipping your boner down, when a lady, attractive by nature, is present.
Todd: dude, check it out - 4 o'clock

Thad: wait, what?

Tod: 4 o'clock, dude! you're going to miss it.

Thad: (turns around) where? oh snap...wapush! wapush!
by eeshnizzle June 16, 2010
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