Everyones big daddy
Coby Wade is a great example
by Kuhn1738 October 7, 2016
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Everyones big daddy
Coby Wade is a great example
by Kuhn1738 October 7, 2016
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Everyones big daddy
Coby Wade is a great example
by Kuhn1738 October 7, 2016
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Fantasizing about *hot lesbian sex* with a close friend
I am Wading over my freind
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The most handsome man with the most beautiful smile. He will sing songs such as "Hungry Arms". He is a sensitive soul, but his outwardly manly exterior keeps his walls high. He is a kind man, with the most beautiful green eyes (not blue). If you ever meet a John Wade on a corner make sure to shut your eyes if you don't want to fall for him. His singing is pretty terrible, makes a banging vegan cheese sauce and he always pops the toilet seat down like a true gent. He is funny, but not as funny as a small Jo. He is a man of many talents. He gets distracted by shiny things occasionally and takes an age to pick a film. He is very very hard working. If you find a John you should know how lucky you are.
Person 1: Look at that handsome man over there!

Person 2. He must be a John Wade.
by Guitarjo April 30, 2022
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