Ursa Minor is one of the 88 International Astronomical Union constellations located in the night sky, it has a twin named Ursa Major, another IAU Constellation. Ursa Minor is known to be famous due to it's north star called Polaris, which it's nickname is the north star. Ursa Minor is bordered by Draco to the South, Camelopardalis to the East, and Cepheus to the west.
Son: What constellation is Polaris in, Dad?
Dad: It is located in Ursa Minor, one of the most famous constellations accepted by the IAU into the night sky, along with 87 more constellations.
Dad: It is located in Ursa Minor, one of the most famous constellations accepted by the IAU into the night sky, along with 87 more constellations.
by Matthew Paano Torres June 27, 2020
by OhUrsa March 24, 2009