Twilight Sparkle is one of the main characters of the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. On the show, she is portrayed as being very book smart and logical, though a bit naive and socially awkward at times. Her special talent is her incredible magical ability and her cutie mark is a six pointed star surrounded by five smaller stars.
Twilight Sparkle is largely considered the main character of the show since she was the first pony introduced to the audience and she has been in every episode since.
by Edudls May 1, 2011
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The most awesome of the Unicorns in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She is purple, pink and all kinds of awesome. Will Tolerate and Love the shit out of you if you hate the show. PONY

Also a mighty druid.
Who's that new pony?
Twilight Sparkle; the most badass unicorn of all time!
by ElkrapsThgiliwt April 25, 2011
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An egghead of an Alicorn who cares mostly about books. Everyone calls her the “Princess of Friendship”, even though she doesn’t act grateful for the title at all.
Why do you only read all the time, you nerd? Ugh, you’re such a Twilight Sparkle.”
by HeyTheName’sK April 15, 2022
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twilight sparkle loved an image
twilight sparkle loved an image? ginny and ellie!
by buttuhflie January 21, 2021
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Princess Twilight Sparkle, after she married Prince Little Money "L Money" and had her surname hyphenated to "Twilight Sparkle-Money" show him she loves him the most.
Everypony, Please welcome Princess Twilight Sparkle-Money.
by King of MLP November 25, 2024
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