
Tschunk or Chunk (IPA: /'tʃʊŋk/) is an alcoholic cocktail similar to caipirinha. If you will, it's the hacker's derivate of caipirinha: It contains "Club-Mate" (/ˈklʊp ˈmaːte/), a caffeinated carbonated mate based beverage from Germany. Mate keeps you awake, while the alcohol takes care of the rest, and the crushed ice keeps you -- well -- chilled!

Note about pronounciation: If you don't know how to pronounce IPA /'tʃʊŋk/, here's some practical help: basically it's pronounced like the English word "chunk", execpt that the "u" is pronounced like the "oo" part of "hook". This is because the cocktail originates from German where stuff is pronounced differently. Anyway, you can pronounce it however you want. The drink speaks for itself.
Due to the natural color of Mate, Tschunk can be made using either brown or white rum. Example: Cut limes into eights, and put them in a high glas. Add brown sugar to taste, then mash with a Caipirinha-style mashing stick. Fill with crushed ice, add 4cl of Cachaça (or some other alcohol) and then add Mate until full. Enjoy!
by screwbee April 8, 2009
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Tschunk is a word you say when sitting down on a chair etc. You can also use tschunk as an everyday word, you can replace any word of any language with tschunk as shown in the example below.
Gerd: Schaut mal! Da tschunkt Vladi im Garten rum!
John: Luc, did you tschunk Vladi last night?
Luc: Oui, je lui ai tschunké. Giuseppe est-ce que tu as les tschunks pour Vladi?
Giuseppe: Si, ho i tschunki per Vladi. Sono tschunki grandi.
by Knorke December 13, 2005
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Tschunk is a word you say when sitting down on a chair etc. Also you can use tschunk as an everyday word, you can replace any word of any language with tschunk as shown in the example below.
Gerd: Da tschunkt Vladi im Garten rum!
John: Luc, did you tschunk Vladi last night?
Luc: Oui, je lui ai tschunké. Giuseppe est-ce que tu as les tschunks pour Vladi?
Giuseppe: Si, ho i tschunki per Vladi. Sono tschunki grandi.
by Knorke December 9, 2005
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