Toulson Syndrome is the state in which League of Legends players become severely under leveled. There is no known cause and generally effects one in three players. If left unchecked Toulson Syndrome can spread to nearby lanes resulting in loss of team fights, feeding of enemy lanes and extreme poverty.

This syndrome is extremely dangerous and frustrating to players attempting the climb out of elo hell (now re-branded as bronze tier) as the courageous victim of the disease will unknowingly hamper any and all efforts for victory.
1. Christian suffered an extreme case of Toulson Syndrome despite him spending 40 minutes in the jungle farming and providing zero ganks.

2. Jenny: "Hey David, yesterday Chris came to gank and fed my lane because he was 6 levels behind!"

Joshua: "WHOAH! Chris ganked?! Shocking!"

Jenny: "Yea and he fed my lane because he was 6 levels behind!"

Joshua: "Woah! He had a serious case of Toulson Syndrome!"

3. Christian suffered an extreme case of Toulsan Syndrome despite him spending 40 minutes in the jungle farming and providing zero ganks.

4. I lost my ranked promo match because I duoed with Chris and he always suffers from an extreme case of Toulson Syndrome.

5. Christian always suffers from Toulson Syndrome so we always make him jungle so that he doesn't feed in lane.

6. ADC - "Shaco I need a gank, they are pushing hard."

JUNGLER - "Sure no probs!."

{15 minutes later}

SUPPORT - "Shaco!? where is that gank dude we're being pushed SO hard! We need support! The turret is going down!!"

JUNGLER - "Getting blue then ill be there"

{5 mins later}

JUNGLER - "Ganking now go in!"



SUPPORT - "WTH man how did you not clean up?!"

JUNGLER - "No ult man.. I'm Level 5"

ADC - "FFS He's got Toulson Snydrome."

SUPPORT - "...... GG WP -_-"
by Theholybackfat January 5, 2014
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