An acute condition affecting overzealous Tom Brady fans. Symptoms may include: Insisting on injecting obscure facts about Tom Brady or The New England Patriots into unrelated conversations, living day to day with delusional episodes centered around fantasies involving Tom Brady (such as being alone with Tom on a remote desert island, or sniffing his socks), and aggressively defending Tom Brady's legacy even when their audience is uninterested.

No known cure for the condition and it is recommended that the afflicted be quarantined in Southeastern Massachusetts to live out their lives and not bother the rest of us. Current medical studies have produced limited evidence suggesting that if The Patriots lose enough consecutive Superbowls the disease returns to a dormant state indefinitely.
Hey man, I took that girl I met online out on a date last night. I tried talking to her but all she did was go on about Tom Brady and how "awesome" he is the entire night. I think she has Tomberculosis. I hope I didn't catch it too.
by Sir-HC February 10, 2019
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