A secondary school in Rockingham County, NH with high potential of being the most rotten banana peel in the trash bin of education. Who knows whether we blame administration or the parents, but it has raised hundreds of scummiest adolescents in the past few decades. The majority are potheads, sex addicts, and ass kissers, just to name a few. Some crazy shit has gone down there. There's been a few bomb/shooting threats, a girl got knocked up (for the second time) by her boss, who-knows-how-many fights, a freshman made a hitlist, and countless others. There really are no rules, considering dozens of basic bitches parade around half-naked all year. The teachers are generally nice but are completely ignorant in terms of disrespect and harassment. And that's another thing. Cyberbullying always happens behind-the-scenes because the self-absorbed social media tryhards are too much of a pussy to insult someone to their face. Overall there has been no progression recently and you can expect nothing less of good ol' Timbo for the future.

Checkmate SAU 55.
If you want your child to have a decent upbringing, I would suggest avoiding Timberlane Regional High School at all costs.
by xx20 October 5, 2019
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New Hampshire’s No.1 scum breeding facility. Filled with sex addicts, wanna be gangsters, potheads, emos, and weirdos. Be it 3 pedophilic teachers, a hunch of shooting and bomb threats, a freshman with a hit list, or people bringing knives, this is the best breeding ground for scum. The behind the scenes cyber bullying just helps the infestation breed, allowing scummy people to do scummier things. Known for wrestling and vaping, it’s a pure holy ground for half dressed girls and fights. Lunch food is shit, teachers are shit, students are shit, even the bathrooms have shit.
If you want to ruin your future just go to Timberlane Regional High School!
by TRHSEnthusiast January 13, 2022
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