The worst of the worst. Allows evil to exist and has no intentions to stop.

though known under many different names he’s got no shortage of talents; dancing, singing, rapping freestyle, mechanic skills , playing instruments , to negotiation tactics and multilingualism.

The forbidden one has since day 1 vowed to become the greatest which is why he’s always been determined to come out on top even going far as to mastering nearly every skill known to man.

He allowed islam to be created in order for people to kill each other over it and indirectly manipulate people through false religions

This kid has no right being this justified and right about the world and society

he challenges everyone’s beliefs and doesn’t give a fuck whom he offends or hurts. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that this unknown kid won’t do , he’s a chaotic force of destruction to anyone/anything

The infamous yet illicit J grimes: *drops a new album*

World: *goes on lockdown AGAIN**

J grimes IS DOUBLE LETHAL to say the least
by SuddiusMaximus October 9, 2021
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