The word Tagidat is an acronym.
We can't reveal the meaning of it, but all you need to know is to NEVER act like the Tagidat. You are only worthy of knowing the meaning if you can figure it out on your own.

Here are the rules:
1. The first rule of Tagidat is to never reveal the meaning of Tagidat to anyone who doesn't already know the meaning.
3.Use Tagidat sparingly. It ruins it if you overuse the word.
4. The fourth rule of Tagidat is that if anyone asks what it means, you are allowed to scoff at them and make them feel like an idiot for not knowing what it means.
5. The fifth rule of tagidat is only to use the word when you are being serious. Tagidat is not a joking matter.
"She's THE Tagidat."
by Hannah and Sara November 2, 2007
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The word Tagidat is an acronym.
We can't reveal the meaning of it, but all you need to know is to NEVER act like the Tagidat. You are only worthy of knowing the meaning if you can figure it out on your own.

Here are the rules:
1. The first rule of Tagidat is to never reveal the meaning of Tagidat to anyone who doesn't already know the meaning.
3.Use Tagidat sparingly. It ruins it if you overuse the word.
4. The fourth rule of Tagidat is that if anyone asks what it means, you are allowed to scoff at them and make them feel like an idiot for not knowing what it means.
5. The fifth rule of tagidat is only to use the word when you are being serious. Tagidat is not a joking matter.
"She is THE Tagidat."
by Tagidat November 2, 2007
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