A recognised medical condition where an a person, typically an intern at a big law firm, is denied the guarantee of a stipend (pay) despite the quality of his work and the large size and revenue of the firm
Jim: Mike! It's been months since I last saw you in law school! I heard you're a big shot intern at a big corporate law firm now eh - you must be rolling in mad stacks of cash!!

Mike: Actually, I've been suffering from stipendosis

Jim: Goodness.. is there a cure?

Mike: It is beyond my reach because I only want to work for large reputable corporate firms that knowingly underpay interns despite their enormous revenue stream. I enjoy reading the firm's Partner's LinkedIn posts that complain about income inequality even though I know she was responsible for the decision to underpay interns like me.

Jim: what is wrong with you man

Mike: I don't even know what's right or wrong anymore
by firstclasshorrors July 13, 2021
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