Stalking and harassment

Hym "Because it's stalking and harassment and it's happening in the immediate. And there doesn't need to be a reason beyond that. My interpretation of events is the correct one. Rejecting my interpretation and then fabricating an alternative isn't convincing anyone and it isn't intended to or going to convince me. All it does is give dogshit people license to participate in the lie. Just like the 'don't mess with out kids' angle. Anyone who needs to hear it doesn't care and I don't care either. I'm not sorry. I'm never going to BE sorry. I'm going to continue to not be sorry right up until I inevitably drain one of your kids for you trying to do this to me. This is a blatant attempt to steal a technological innovation and the online obstructionists a trying to help them get away with it. It's nothing more that status preservation from people who cannot or will not affect the course of history.
by Hym Iam February 3, 2025
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