An amazing girl who is perfection. She loves to be happy and most people wish that they were her. She is amazingly beautiful and is extremely intelligent. A funny, smart and exciting person. She has a big heart and helps others. An overall lovely person to be with.
Who is Sophey?
She's a great person
by s.tsol April 7, 2011
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Sophey is my favorite. I love sophey. SHES the only person I gossip about positively. I talked this morning to morghan jermiah and camaya about how much I love her. She is so positive and appreciates the little things In life. I think everyone should be more like sophey and every day should be sophey appreciation day.” noey
“Everyone should be more like sophey and everyday should be national sophey appreciation day.”
by dallabigballa February 15, 2023
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