A rather baffling fellow. This bloke often spends his time plotting some incomprehensible yet genius plot, then proceeds to execute it exactly as he has planned, without regard for authority, morality or common sense. His audacity knows no bounds and his body knows no limits; rules were put in place for him to break them, and gain 3 conduct slips in the process. This is the kind of man who would take the top of a bench off and lug it up 5 stories, much in the manner the average person would walk to the bus stop. The type of rascal who would, upon noticing a rather unsightly cubicle, snap a picture and, rather proudly, present the aforementioned image of smeared faeces on the floor to his form teacher. Operating without thought or remorse, his objectives remain unknown. Several skills include gardening, domestic terrorism and violating the Geneva convention. While it is not known the true extent of his ability, one thing is for sure: this man is truly a force to be reckoned with.
Person A: Sng Ce is such a clown.

Person B: Shhhhh. You should be careful when speaking of the Senior Master Gardener in such a manner.
by The Schlong Scrutiniser September 29, 2022
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