(Pronounced sig-knee)
Signey is a powerful woman. She has the ability to work intently and follow through on the most challenging of tasks. She is a great friend and especially wonderful to the people she loves. She is an exceptional cook. From Nordic decent Signey has the power of one of the most powerful Vikings so don't make her angry or you may consider running...really fast.
Signey often doesn't feel adequate about herself and she will laugh off as much insecurity as she can. Her feelings build up if not released through a creative channel. She enjoys the outdoors and finds her greatest peace and relaxation from the harmony and beauty of nature. She has a deep artistic side that shows through crafts and decorating. She prefers to limit her friendships to those who share the same interests.
I wish I had a wife like Signey!
Wow Signey that was delicious!
by bluelagoon2021 January 10, 2021
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