The facial expression found on incompetent jackasses while they are experiencing some sick sense of accomplishment after performing an act of dumbfuckery. Usually this facial expression, performed among other people, is followed by the individual getting their fucking teeth knocked out.
"Wipe that Pig In Shit Grin off your face before I knock your brains loose."
by bullusuckamuthafucka January 21, 2006
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(adv.) an overt display of self-satisfied smugness when clearly such displays are either undeserved or unwarranted. As if the subject were to smile innocently only to reveal a mouthful of shit to his/her peers.
Kyle: "Did you see that shit-grinning bastard John after he got his paper back?"

Whitt: "Yea he looked like a gloating douche for sure"
by douchenip April 9, 2011
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