Shilka is a river in Russia and also a war tank. As the meaning suggests, Shilka is not just free-spirited and charter their own path but also bold and courageous. Shilka stands for uniqueness, fearlessness, and bravery.

Shilkas are the sexiest, coolest people on earth. They are very loyal and faithful friends whom you can count on for life. They love hard and are very kind compassionate souls. They generally think about the greater good and take care of everyone like their own.
She is Shilka, she can do anything!!
by Ritszy November 23, 2021
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Shilka is an Indian girl name. She is a girl with a diamond heart, who enjoys her own company, biggest plant lover you will ever know. If you are in her friends list she will make feel the best in even your worst days. And don't worry if you are not in good terms with her, because she knows whom to give her precious attention. She has a charming personality, she is fun and loving, a bit crazy at times but crazy awesome.
Shilka is your go to friend for heartbreaks of all kind.
by Sujiwrites November 24, 2021
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