The (sexy) space in front of someone's monitor. You'd generally talk to sexy space when the person is online, but isn't talking to you, or is just ignoring you. Sexy space can communicate to you without the use of IRC/Jabber/MSN, but you must reply to sexy space using the client.
yeah i kno. shes really hot!
>Sexy Space: do u want a pic of her?
do u have 1?
>Sexy Space: yeah i got lots
thats awesome
>Real Person: what r u doing? r u mental?
no i was talking to sexy space
>Real Person: ...ooookkkkkkk
shove it
by Canada3332 October 23, 2006
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A specific type of sexiness associated with the women of Star Trek and other sci-fi media. Coined by Todd, a drunk middle aged man sitting in a bar at Coors field.
"You're space sexy. Like Seven of Nine."
by whydoIhavetohaveapseudonym April 15, 2010
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