The situation whereby you have interaction with a female who is sufficiently wet leaving your penile glands in a semi-erect state and are unable to amass a sufficient amount of blood to transform the gland to a fully erect penis in order to penetrate the said female.
I was going to secure the pipe but i had a semi by the sea
by Choosenan March 13, 2019
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An innocuous name for an erection (or 'semi hardon').

The phrase originated from the James Blunt song 'Wisemen'. In which, 'Those three Wise Men' are cited as having 'a semi by the sea' (of course, in reality, they are referring to a semi-detached house).

The word has become increasingly used among British and some American internet forums.
"Oh my god...these photos of Keeley Hazel are giving me a full on semi by the sea lolololol"
by JamieFKA May 22, 2008
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