Sartaaj Khan or simply Sartaaj classifies some one who:

-Has 0 Process skills but superior calculus skills
-excessively violates and harasses others
-steals phones and invades social media accounts making random posts and messages people of the holders MVS
- Likes 4 guys and 2 girls at once

-believes silence and no mean consent
1. Person 1: Guys, did bad in the Process

quiz had too many streams.

Person 2: Haha you pulled a Sartaaj

on that one

2. Person 1: What's with your random

posts on facebook and why

did you ask me out on

Person 2: Yeah my phone was Sartaaj'd
by Titration Maestro December 5, 2019
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He is very, VERY smart. A man who will strive to the top and become a famous person. He is incredibly smart and beats the shit out of liams and is very strong. He simps for no man nor woman. He is GOD
Person 1 “Who’s that guy who just beat the shit out of 3 liams?”
Me “Oh that’s Sartaaj, the coolest guy to have ever lived.”
by Buddy Boi from Minecraft February 25, 2021
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