1. A threesome with two guys and a girl, in which the girl is in an unusual position, like that of a contortionist in a Ringling Brothers circus. It is the Eiffel Tower's weird cousin.

2. A threesome with a weird/freakish looking girl.
Dude, Lars and I brought back this freak from the bar. When we found out how flexible she was we totally ringling brosed her.

When Ben and I saw a bearded lady in Mexico, we slammed a bottle of Jack and ringling brosed her. Fucking crazy night.
by TheSwineFloutist May 1, 2009
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An American traveling circus company billed as The Greatest Show on Earth
n 2004, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus was investigated following the death of a lion who died from heat and lack of water while the circus train was traveling through the Mojave Desert.
by SPrice1980 May 7, 2023
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