a small town in western massachusetts, five minutes away from the new york state border. Many 'Richmondites', as the towns people are called, go to New York State to see civilization. Richmond has more cows than people and does not have a stop light. The consolidated school has one hundred and eighty students grades pre-school through eigth grade. There is a large apple orchard in Richmond. Did I mention that there is absolutely nothing to do?

Tourists from surrounding states and cities, mainly New York City, come to the town of Richmond to look at the foliage. The Richmondites look down upon these tourists because they usually can't drive very well.

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has a house in Richmond, Massachusets. He is loved by the Richmondites for obvious reasons. What a great guy!
"I come from Richmond, MA but you've probably never heard of it...Deval Patrick lives there, though!"
by Yarmo February 29, 2008
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