Richard Wright

Richard Wright (28/7/43-15/9/08) was a founder member of Pink Floyd. Mainly working as a keyboardist he wrote some early songs in the band's Syd Barrett era and later song writing credits include 'Great Gig in the Sky' and 'Us and Them'. In 1978 Wright recorded a solo album - the almost universally unlistened to 'Wet Dream'. After being fired from Pink Floyd by Roger Waters during recording of 'The Wall', Wright subsequently appeared on 'The Wall' tour as a paid musician. In 1984 Wright formed the flop musical duo, Zee, with Dave Harris. In 1988 he was hired by Dave Gilmour to play on a number of apocryphal, post Waters Floyd albums and was last seen reunited with the entire band (bar Syd Barrett) at the 2005 G8 Live gig in Hyde Park.
Dave Gilmour: 'Hello is that Roger? Did you here the news? Richard Wright is dead. You better go home and do as your told. Get out of the road if you want to grow old.'
by Rick Wrong September 18, 2008
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