A male term for a MF that : 1. Sleeps with all the women in the same group. 2. Uses your shower to wash his shit before he goes on to the next one. 3. Ghetto as HELL 4. Never has money because he owes 5. Busted and keeps calling collect from super max. 6. Always asks to borrow your car or needs a ride 7. Pops up uninvited and unannounced at all hours 8. Always promises to come through with food stamps but never does 9. Swears that he loves you but says that shit to everyone. 10. Has a strap but ain't got no bullets.
"Girl, while you were locked up your man was acting straight Ratcho!"

"I love Ratcho's and Ratcho's love me."

"No you can't use my address Ratcho!"

"That Ratcho's for errrrbody."

"This is Globle Tel-Link with a Collect call from...." Ratcho", press 1 to connect. "
by Jill and Ally March 22, 2019
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A rat that is found packaged inside a container of Lunchables Nachos.
Guy: Dude I found a Ratcho inside my lunchables.

Other Guy: Really?

Guy: Take a look.
by Redworm January 5, 2022
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