An intelligent creature who feeds on surds and indices. Very Mathematical. At present there are only two known to mankind.
The Quartle excalaimed 'Oh come on, it's like teaching the dead!'

When both Quartles are present you might here such phrases as 'Trust us we're intelligent' The Quartles may contradict each other when present in the same habitat for more than 45 minutes for example one might say 'Pack up' and the other will immediately say 'Don't pack up!'

The Quartle's are known not to be good at Art, this is the only criticism the Quartle will accept 'Looks like I need to go to Art class not Maths class'

The Quartle is well known to do anything in their way to prove a point even if it means a bit of a liberty 'Sorry for doing that, it's a bit of a liberty, I know, but it's just to prove a point'

The Quartle will also over pronounce the 'U' and make it sound like 'Yu' for example solution, the quartle would pronounce as 'sol-yu-tion'
by luket93 March 11, 2008
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