Qkinen is a Letter + Polish(?) name professionally written by a man back in the 10s. The meaning of this short and yet complicating name, "Qkinen" mean qkinen. Why, you may ask? I don't know.

This word can be used as a name, verb, object, and an adjective. (Depending on how whichever you use this w o r d)
EX 1: "Wow! He's Qkinening on that tree branch!"
EX 2: "My name is Qkinen."
EX 3: "Look at that purple Qkinen!"
EX 4: "Look at that Qkinen woodblock...!"
by jkqadfgafg March 29, 2021
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Qkinen is a Letter + Polish (?) name made by a certain dude polish name dude Kinen.
Sounds like cookie though idk
"Wow! What a Qkinen,"
by jkqadfgafg March 28, 2021
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