its basically "what" mispelled on purpose just to add some little goofiness with it as well
by somerandomassguy August 24, 2023
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MS_memer_group, a popular imgflip streams way of saying "what", it's a popular word in the stream that most people say.
Person 1: yo guys do you know about *game that nobody knows about except for 🤓s*
Person 2: qhar?
Person 1: it's a game
Person 2: QHAR?!
Person 1: stfu
Person 2: nuh uh
by Normalcore-is-a-sumbdhit August 18, 2023
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Qhar-as in im gonna fuck you up
backstory of this word is i kept getting mad at a friend which was pretty over it now but when i got mad i said qhar a lot and he caught on to it and we still talk about it.
definition i'm gonna qhar you up as in fuck
by Qhar/fam April 12, 2023
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