It is a mental disease that occurs within men after a long period of not getting pussy. Symptoms include: dementia, getting aroused even by women considered to be bat-shit ugly, restlessness, a long period of compulsive masturbation then followed by period of no desire to masturbate at all what so ever, memory loss, wet-dreams and insomnia. Victims of the disease may even go fucking retarded aka Elliot Rodger (Elliot Rodgers – went out seeking "retribution" against women whom he said sexually rejected him went on a killing spree in Isla Vista, California, killing six people and sending seven more to the hospital with serious gunshot injuries).
"By the unholy rectum of big-titted Neptune!! I went to the doctor yesterday and I've been diagnosed with Pussy Deprivation Disorder (PDD)!" - William Shakespeare
by Pimp named Slickback May 22, 2015
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