Pretending to be handicapped or retarded to solicit undeserved sympathy.

Made famous by David Cross on an episode of Just Shoot Me.
Man,that guy in the wheelchair is faking it, he's just Pulling a Donnie.
by Webslinging Gangsta October 9, 2007
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Being such a sore loser you would shit on your own hand and shake hands with them to spite them.
He is really Pulling a Donny.
by PurplePenguins18 January 6, 2021
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When you take a sip of a drink and it goes down the wrong way, causing excessive coughing and the inability to speak. Often happens to Donna (referred to jokingly as “Donny” by her sons), usually when drinking water, which is who the term was coined after.
:: Takes a sip of water, goes down the windpipe, extreme coughing ensues ::

“Ah she pulled a Donny
by King of the Boulevard April 26, 2021
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