A mental disorder commonly experienced by mental health professionals wherein an unshakable self-identification of being a giant sugary marshmallow ultimately complicates and disrupts their day-to-day routines.

Puffymallowdysphoria is frequently accompanied by extreme phobias of hot chocolate, fishing hooks, and people who love to make S'mores.

Additionally, sufferers of the disorder are obsessed with sexual fantasies about The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, also known as Mr. Stay-Puft. The fictional character from the Ghostbusters franchise frequently appears to those who acquire puffymallowdysphoria in various BDSM scenarios. Usually as a giant, leather clad, horny marshmallow.

The DSM-5 defines puffymallowdysphoria as a currently untreatable disorder. Citing the reason for no existing form of treatment as, "those who acquire the disorder of puffymallowdysphoria are the mental health professionals responsible for treating puffymallowdysphoria and other related imaginary illnesses."

Puffymallowdysphoria is derived from the Greek words ζαχαρωτό μαρσμέλοου meaning marshmallow and the Dothraki word "δύσφορος (dysphoros), meaning a profound state of unease. In Ewokese the disorder is defined as puffy-mallow-head and is believed to be caused by neurotic thoughts about a persons self importance.

A. Damn! That's the third psychologist I've lost to puffymallowdysphoria.
B. I'll get the graham crackers and chocolate.
by Wittyhandle September 13, 2021
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