this kid is a motherfucking queer i swear to god every fucking time he goes online he starts talking about he's in love with every single fucking woman on the planet like holy shit, i was in a server, right? and all he was talking about was women, and how he wants to fuck every single one of them, almost like a pokemon trainer but instead of catching, its sex. like honestly this kid needs to go outside and get some mental help like honestly if any of you guys know him irl can you please contact someone to help him he has serious problems and im starting to worry about it. some more examples can be seen in this source: .com liek honestly dude he rly needs help cause one time i saw him looking at loli hentai likewtf!?!? kinda sussy baka intellegwenme if i do say so myself. another thinmg, do you guys realised trhat polcice never arested him??! even wghen he sasssinated heny stiknam from the hjitmagame jfk simy its like so ewfijhuodu fhwiefew
beruh wtf beruh, the pizzaking2007 momentos
by jiopefjigop[w December 18, 2021
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